
coral reef cpr

adopt a coral and restore a reef

donations in action

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your donations

buy a coral reef cpr t-shirt!

Just $30/£20 (S, M or L) - email coralreefcpr@gmail.com for more information; postage options; payments etc.

want to sponsor coral rehabilitation?

support the development of a coral nursery or the restoration of a reef

As a charity, Coral Reef CPR greatly depends on your generous donations.

Your donations will contribute to the HARP Program and other conservation and educational priorities.  It will support continued reef  assessments and research necessary to document the status of reefs and changes in health, unique coral gardening initiatives that involves growing coral fragments better adapted to temperature perturbations, restoration of damaged reefs and education and training initiatives for local communities and school children. 

You will be
supporting the development of a new generation of ‘Reef Guardians’ that will be the stewards of their local reefs.  The Reef Guardians will lead efforts to monitor their reefs, rehabilitate degraded areas through coral mariculture and conduct continued research to better understand reef ecology and adaptation to climate change. 

Together, their newly acquired skills and knowledge will help ensure these reefs remain healthy for future generations.

Donations provided to Coral Reef CPR will be used to:

  • Purchase supplies and equipment for the coral mariculture programs
  • Purchase masks, snorkels and other underwater equipment for local high school students that participate in training programs and become Reef Guardians
  • Support development of educational materials, resources and publications
  • Support capacity building workshops and training sessions
  • Support field surveys and laboratory analysis of coral samples
  • Help protect vulnerable tropical countries